Silly Opera Community Guidelines
For anonymity, we advise you to use an alias name and an avatar picture instead of your own name and profile picture.
The users will be sharing their own stories, so we request you to be respectful towards all of them and let them comfortably open up. Do not judge or advise someone on any issue/subject.
We are only utilising voice and text as the open communication modes in our Silly Opera discord server . So video/screen sharing option is banned inside the server except for the gaming section where it will be lifted for screenshare when required.
You will be given access to private channels through raise tickets channels and set meetings channel. So, make sure you make proper use of it.
All the SO Listeners are trained through our Listening course and live testing. We are proud to have them on board. However, in any case, if you dont find any session with your SO Listener comfortable or you are facing any other issue, you can send us feedbacks through the feedback channel or write us an email.
If you find someone spamming or abusing, be calm take a screenshot and send us the report in email or through contact-us channels. We will take action against such activities as soon as possible. At first time there will be a warning to such misusers, and if repeated they will be kicked out of the server.
Since we are using discord, we have certain limitations. We request you to be a little patient while we sort your requests.